
bounded rational中文是什么意思

  • 有限理性



  • 例句与用法
  • According to the bounded rational gambling sides , it also proved that the arms race would achieve a balance point
  • After analyzing the characteristics of the bounded rational game , a dynamic system model and its solution were also presented in this paper
  • In behavioral finance theory the investors in the security market are " bounded rational people " , whose irrational behaviors can , less or more , easily to cause behavioral deflections
    该理论认为证券市场中的投资者属于“有限理性人” ,其行为或多或少地存在着非理性,因而容易出现行为偏差。
  • Focusing on the fuzziness and randomness of customers ' demands incurred by the bounded rational customers , multiple mental accounts are introduced into multi - product inventory decision - making system , based on which the pyramid structure of consumers ' mental accounts is indicated
  • The dissertation researches the behavioral finance on the background of the investment theory , inherits critically the traditional linear paradigm and explores the non - linear one . it mainly discusses the factual process of decision - making , the market function , and from which the risks and controls resulting . the kernel viewpoint is : l ) investor ' s decision is bounded rational , and systematical biases ; 2 ) the security market is limited rational
  • It explores the research paradigm and the definition system . charpter3 circles around the process of decision under certainty , it is limited by the difficulties , cultural habits , social norm , environment relation , survive instinct and the cogitive capacity . the investor ' s behavior is bounded rational or irrational . chapter 4 concentrates on the features of investor ' s behavior under uncertainty
  • 推荐英语阅读
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